Reflections on the Kyo Gyo Shin Sho: A Guide
by Hisao Inagaki, Professor Emeritus Ryukoku University, Kyoto, Japan

Printed here in full with kind permission from the author.

Although there are currently three English versions of the Kyogyoshinsho (by K. Yamamoto, by the Hongwanji International Center and by myself), many of those who read it still seem unable to enjoy this cardinal scripture of Shin Buddhism. Indeed, the original text in classical Chinese, which was written in the 13th century, is indeed an impenetrable wall that defies access for people of the 21st century. Not only is the language of the Kyogyoshinsho difficult even for the Japanese Shin Buddhists, but also the ideas and logic on which it is based constitute a labyrinth for most readers.

I hope this short article is useful in bringing the Kyogyoshinsho closer to the minds of Shin Buddhists the world over and helps them to deepen their understanding of Amida’s message of salvation. In presenting this article, I wish to thank Revs. G. Gatenby and J. Paraskevopoulos of Australia for their valuable suggestions.


  1. The origin of Jodo Shinshu
  2. Motives for composing the Kyogyoshinsho
  3. Outline of the Kyogyoshinsho
  4. The True Teaching
  5. The True Practice
  6. The True Faith
  7. The True Enlightenment
  8. The True Buddha and Land
  9. Transformed Buddhas and lands
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