Kanji for Muryoko

'Infinite Light'

Journal of Shin Buddhism

Harold Stewart


The nonsubstantial Ground of the Pure Land, as described in the Three Pure Land Sutras, is said to be of lapis lazuli because its blue colour is emblematic of the fifth Element, Aether or Space. The Amitayur-dhyana-sutra enumerates three main levels of Rebirth, each subdivided into three grades of higher, middle, and lower, making nine in all, corresponding to the merits of the departed. But in Shinshu only the lowest grade of the lowest level is considered, because the spiritual capacities of mankind have so declined and its karmic defilements so increased during Mappoji, that few if any can now hope for any higher stage of Rebirth.

To counterbalance this decadence, Amida's Vows were specially made to ensure Rebirth even for those otherwise karmically destined for exclusion from the Pure Land. There is, needless to add, no question of a physical birth, but of Rebirth apparitionally ‘in a lotus’, that is to say, into a state of Consciousness above the human, and hence the being is said to be ‘born of Light’. Physical differentiations of sex are necessary only for birth into this world but are transcended in Paradise, where ‘they neither marry nor are given in marriage’. Nor is there any question of Buddhism condemning human birth, despite its painful and defiling aspects, since only from this central human state can Buddhahood be attained.

Reflections on the Dharma - Harold Stewart

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